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Creatively making Healthier Choices

What I really like and beginning to love about making more healthier choices in food preparation, is that I just let my 'creativity' flow.

It doesn't get better than deep fried calamari am I right? BUT that is not a healthy option. All that oil and crumb... Eeek. What will I be doing to my body that I am trying to nourish better?

So last night I thought OUTSIDE of the box and prepared the following:

I go some calamari steaks and cut them into strips and marinated it in the following home-made 'spur of the moment - what I have on hand' recipe.

Olive oil, garlic and chilli, grated frozen lemon rind, chopped up freeze dried naartjie (don't ask me why but I added it), Sriracha sauce, grated ginger... what am I missing??? Oh yes and some fresh coriander.

At this stage I am asking myself. Do these flavours actually work together? ONLY time will tell...

I didn't add any oil to the pan because of the marinade.

The kitchen filled with this amazing aroma as I was grilling them.

I served the grilled calamari with sautéed kale with some more garlic and chilli and then a purple cabbage also sautéed with some flax seed and wait for it..... CINNAMON. (I am trying to get a lot of cinnamon in for my PCOS) and I finished it off with some Nutritional Yeast flakes.

Now for someone who did not at ALL eat any form of cooked veg before, I figured that I am making immense progress. I am loving stir fry these days.

This meal was a success if I must say so myself. Even though I need to get use to the texture of the grilled calamari, I still loved the meal and it was surprisingly filling. Even brought some to work today.

I know it has been quiet here for some time and I will be picking up the pace again.

But this is my type of therapy, by posting my pictures, thoughts and stories.

Please share any of your recipes or healthy food choices. I am eager to learn more exciting ways of enriching my healthier food experience.

Till next time.

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