
Have you ever just had enough and just wanted to get away from it all? Not like forever, but just a for little while, just to take a breather?
Well I have! And do you know what.. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling like that.
I am a very strong believer in that every adult should have a time-out every now and then. You know what I mean? You just "kind of" disappear off the face of the earth, just so that you can pick up all your marbles again and put them back in the jar.
It is so easy these days to lose track of oneself, while you are investing your time into your work, marriage, friends, family and other commitments that you tend to forget to make time for yourself.
That is why I allow myself from time to time to just Escape.
On the other hand it is very daunting for many people to spend time alone as they prefer to be surrounded by people. Each to their own right.
In my case, I will literally disappear off the radar, and just do what I want to do with no expectations from anybody. It is actually very healthy to invest some good quality time in yourself.
So about a week or so ago on the Friday evening at about 12:00 AM, yes... AM and I am busy on my phone looking for accommodation to escape to for the weekend. No, not for me and hubby just for ME... You are probably thinking. How selfish of her to just leave her husband and go somewhere. Calm your bra-straps! My husband already had plans for the weekend to go away which posed as the perfect opportunity for some well deserved, uninterrupted ME-TIME.
I wanted to book myself into a B&B not in PE but somewhere close by. I just wanted to get away from everything even if it was just for a day or two. To turn my cellphone off and literally cut myself off from the world and technology. I was in desperate need of some alone time, Me-Time or let's just call it what it is, A TIME-OUT.
So I ended up not going anywhere but I did have some well deserved me time. Something I haven't done in ages was go and watch a movie and have a meal by myself. I decided to go to Baywest Mall, bought myself a movie ticket for the Prestige Cinema off course (Hey, I want to spoil myself as well). I had some time to spare before the movie and thought that I have not had a meal by myself in who knows how long and went to a restaurant close by and ordered myself a nice Savannah Lite (How refreshing ) and had a light lunch.
It was so nice to just sit there by myself, no talking, just eating and watch the people walk by. I can sit for hours just watching people. Not in a stalker kind of way but just watch them, see how they interact with other people, observing how the mother is trying to calm her child down who is throwing a tantrum and just sighing because everyone is looking.
With minutes to spare I headed over to the Prestige Lounge and made my way to the Cinema. I don't know how to describe this but when I sat down in that luxurious chair it literally felt like all my problems just melted away.
It was so nice, I felt like royalty with the Ushers bringing me my popcorn and drink. I then looked around and was amazed to see the two people next to me were also alone and they also had what I can only assume was a "Me-Day".
Isn't it funny how you can strike up a conversation with someone in a cinema as if you have known each other for years, yet once the movie credits are rolling, each go their own way and yet you are not bothered by it.
It was so nice and relaxing to just sit there, emerge yourself in the movie and just escape reality for a hour or two. What could've made my movie experience a bit better would have been a blanket. hehe. I would never leave then, just snuggled up into that reclining chair, popcorn with whispers in and a slush puppy on the side. (Yes I mix my whispers/smarties/astros into the popcorn - you should try it sometime)
Those two hours were bliss and just what I needed. I even intended to go home and give myself a nice pedicure, put on a face mask, open a bottle of wine and just do NOTHING. I even contemplating shaving, but that was a mission for another day.
But I ended up just vegging on the couch watching old reruns on DSTV but not taking anything in. I slowly dazed off into a nice deep sleep. Oh those unexpected naps you take on the couch are always the best. You may only have slept for an hour or two but you feel so rested.
Well this blog went way off track and I just told you all how boring my weekend has been. It may have been boring but it was just what I needed.
We all know that adult'ing is hard work, So... CHEERS to our Time Out's because we deserve them.
Quoting some wise person... You can't pour from an empty cup, Take care of yourself first.
Remember, you do not need to go to the movies for a time out. Take a quite stroll through your garden with a cup of coffee or tea and just take in nature and just unwind. Or go sit with that book you have been promising yourself you will read in this year still and just read a chapter or two.
Point is... Don't forget to make time for yourself. It is okay to be a bit selfish with your time especially when it comes to you.
Till Next Time...