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Baby it's cold outside...

It is Spring right? If I look out the window now it is dusted in tiny raindrops with a background of grey skies and a tinge of freshness in the air. Don't get me wrong, I love me some cold weather. Nothing beats snuggling up under a duvet, cup of coffee and laptop with some great movies etc. The only problem is I want to do exactly that. I want to laze around the whole day and just do nothing. Why not allow yourself that 'luxury', you worked hard this week girl. You deserve it! Yes that is what my heart keeps telling me but my head is telling me, you know you have to start learning for your exams, don't you dare veg all day.

How can one stay motivated on a glorious rainy cold day like today that is inviting you to just relax, take it easy and keep warm and even just take a nap or two. I will be hitting the books HARD, but not now. Let me enjoy this 'down-time' just a little bit longer...

Is it just me? But on a day like today I just want to eat all that is wrong. I want a stack of flapjacks, covered in syrup and bottomless Milo. Or maybe even a nice 'Boontjie Sop' with Ciabatta bread. I need some comfort food. I can even see myself having some delicious Won-Ton Soup with the prawn and coriander from Mellas Dim-Sum & Noodle Bar. Oh my, there I go again. Wanting everything all at once. I can be so indecisive at times. -Checks to see if Mellas is open-

What do you like to do on a day like today?

Please share your cold day rituals.

I really wish I had a fireplace right about now so I can just sit in front of it the whole day, with my study material in front of me of course...

Keep warm today guys and enjoy this weather and be thankful for the rain as we all know we desperately need it.

Till Next Time

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