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Flab to Fab... BUT HOW?

I am sure I am not the only one who scrolls through their Instagram feed and a post comes up of Kayla Itsines' amazing abs and then another post of someone’s before and after photos. #flabtofab

You’re thinking ‘Damn, look at that transformation, that could have been me!’ while sitting at your desk and already thinking of what you will be having for lunch and it is only 9:00 am.

So, let me share with you my Flab to Fab story…

Firstly, I am still on stage: FLAB. I have no before or after photos. But I am hoping that will change. No, this blog isn’t about losing weight, what I really want to share with you is my problem in trying to kick-start that journey to Fab.

I have a gym membership at a very vibrant and energetic gym here in Port Elizabeth and yet I find myself unsure of what to do when I am there. I do the treadmill for a while and then I get so overwhelmed with all the equipment and then I hit a blank. You all know that blank, the one just before an exam and you forget all that you have studied the night before? Yes, that kind of blank.

It feels like all eyes are one me and they are probably thinking. ‘Ah shame, poor girl, tired already?’. I know that is not what they are really thinking, but in my head, I feel judged. I then walk through the equipment looking like a lost child in Checkers and reading the labels on the equipment to see what I need to do and whether I will be able to do it. Then I make a bee line for the door after about 30 minutes. #gymfail #overwhelmed

Where do I begin? What do I do? Whatever I am doing, am I doing it right?

I have watched video’s, and how-to tutorials and even read some success stories, but I think I just want to be bottle fed like a new born calf. I think I just need that personal trainer to confirm the whole time that what I am doing is in fact right.

On another note, I don’t want them to make me sweat blood if you understand what I mean. Yes, make me sweat but don’t make me beg for my life. Geez… And then to the Personal Trainer, please understand that I have come to you for guidance and assistance not to feel like I have to pay for the world’s sin. Push me to MY limits not YOURS.

So, if you are in the same position as I currently find myself in I suggest the following:

  1. Just go to the gym

  2. Walk into that gym with a ‘I GOT THIS’ attitude

  3. Don’t be scared to ask questions and ask for guidance

  4. Don’t be intimidated by your surroundings and the people

  5. Try a new piece of equipment every time and add it to your routine

  6. Suffer through at least an hour – hopefully you will learn to love it

  7. Find your motivation – Download a gym or fitness app that will help you with ideas – I have downloaded a few from the App Store.

  8. Enquire about personal trainers and their rates as well as what they specialise in. This is on my to-do list.

  9. Do it for YOURSELF and that bikini you want to wear in December.

Note to self: Now follow your own damn advice.

What worked for you? Please share your experience and advise.

Cheers for now... Here’s to not looking like a complete ass while trying to lose my ass.

Till next time...

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